Wednesday, 6 August 2014

JNTU-KAKINADA : Relaxation in B.Tech promotion rules from 3rd to 4th year for the academic year 2014-2015

JNTU-KAKINADA : Relaxation in B.Tech promotion rules from 3rd to 4th year for the academic year 2014-2015

n this office circulars under references (1) & (2) read above, the students of III B.Tech I & II Semester, who have not secured minimum of 40% credits upto III B.Tech I or II Semesters, have been allowed to attend for the class work of IV B.Tech I Semester, commenced from 16th June 2014.

Several students have represented to relax the minimum of 40% credits upto III B.Tech I Semester or III B.Tech II Semester, as most of them have fallen short of the required number of credits even after the applicability of Rule No. 5.4 of academic regulations (2010-11 batch onwards) and addendum thereon. 

In this connection, a committee has been constituted to look into the matter vide reference (5) read above. The committee in its report stated that the class work was disturbed for more than 4 months during academic year 2013-14 due to Samaikyandhra agitation and the class work has been compensated by slotting 11/2 extra periods per day. The committee also opined that the performance of the students might have adversely affected due to disturbed academic environment and staggered examination schedules. Under such circumstances, stipulation of credit requirement for the current academic year may result in loss of one academic year for several students. Hence, the committee recommends for relaxation of minimum credits.

Under the above circumstances, the Hon’ble Vice – Chancellor is pleased to relax the minimum credits required for promotion into IV B.Tech, for the academic year 2014-15 only, as a special case, due to Samaikyandhra agitation, details of which are as follows:
  • Relaxation of 40% of the credits up to III B.Tech I Semester from all the examinations.
  • Relaxation of 40% of the credits up to III B.Tech II Semester from all the examinations.

This credit relaxation should not be claimed as precedence in the future academic years.

Download Official Notification from the below url

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